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Surgical Errors

Pittsburgh Surgical Error Attorneys

Surgical Error Lawsuit
Surgical Errors

Doctors are human, and unfortunately all humans make mistakes. However, mistakes in surgery usually cause severe physical harm or even death to a patient.

Pennsylvania law allows for monetary recovery in cases where doctors make surgical errors and mistakes. These mistakes can happen in any one of the following surgeries:

  • general surgery,
  • orthopedic surgery,
  • heart surgery,
  • laparoscopic surgery,
  • plastic & cosmetic surgery, and/or
  • brain surgery.

50% Of Surgical Errors Are Avoidable

Some Researchers believe that as many as 50% or more of surgical errors could be avoided. There are plenty of excellent surgeons practicing medicine and at the same time, there are quite a few of incompetent surgeons.

Most people trust physicians and surgeons inherently, and never question how surgical mistakes happen.

The reality is that medical mistakes happen because surgeons are human and have weaknesses, and make mistakes just the same as everybody else. Many surgeons make mistakes because of inexperience or improper training. When a doctor makes a surgical error, the law allows injured Plaintiffs to be compensated for any harm suffered from that error.

One of the reasons surgical errors happen is that a physician can try almost any surgery if the patient allows them. There are few restrictions on surgeons if they receive consent and want to try new procedures. An orthopedic surgeon can try brain surgery one day. A dermatologist can try plastic surgery.

If you are having any kind of surgery, be sure to research your doctor and ask the important questions prior to agreeing to the surgery. There are many things you can do to ensure that the surgeon you pick is qualified to perform the procedure chosen:

  • Check Board Certification: (Are they a board certified?)
  • Check Accreditation: (Is this an accredited surgery center?)
  • Check Hospital Privileges (do hospitals allow this doctor to perform this surgery?)
  • Check References: (Ask other doctors about him/her)
  • Verify his/her Experience: (research your physician on line)

A bad outcome or a complication does not always indicate that there was a deviation from the acceptable standard of care or that a lawsuit exists. Only after having your case reviewed by competent malpractice attorneys and competent experts, will you know if the case warrants legal action.

No Fee Unless Recovery is Made

Our representation for surgical errors and mistakes is based on a contingent fee structure. There is no fee unless we obtain monetary recovery for you or our client. If you believe you have been the victim of a surgical error, please feel free to contact Managing Attorney Noah Fardo directly by email at or by calling his cell phone at 412.855.5511.

Medical Malpractice


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What Is The Statute Of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Cases in Pennsylvania?
How Do I know If I Have A Medical Malpractice Case?
What Should I Do After A Medical Mistake Has Happened?
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Should I Go Back To The Same Doctor After a Medical Mistake?
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Will You Review My Medical Malpractice Case For Free?
What Do You Charge For Medical Malpractice Cases?
What Is The Standard Fee Agreement For Medical Malpractice Cases?
Should You Try To Settle Your Medical Malpractice Case Before Filing Suit?
How Long Does A Medical Malpractice Case Take in Pennsylvania?
Do I Pay Any Costs In A Medical Malpractice Case?
How Much Is My Medical Malpractice Case Worth In Pennsylvania?
What Is The Pennsylvania ‘Certificate of Merit’?
What Is Your Past Experience With Medical Malpractice Cases?
Do You Have Access to Doctors to Review My Medical Malpractice Case?
Why Should I Choose Flaherty Fardo As My Medical Malpractice Lawyer?
Flaherty | Fardo | Rogel | Amick

Case Results

Past success does not guarantee future results, but does demonstrate our experience and knowledge as successful Pennsylvania trial attorneys.

$1.25 Million

Medical Malpractice - Botched Plastic Surgery

We filed a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of the victim of a negligently-performed breast reduction procedure. The case also explored the continuing issue of cosmetic surgeons attempting procedures that only board certified plastic surgeons should be performing. The case was resolved for $1,250,000.00.

Medical Malpractice
Personal Injury
$1.25 Million

Medical Malpractice - Emergency Room Mistakes

We represented a family in a medical malpractice case against a hospital and ER doctors for allegations of negligently misdiagnosing and discharging an emergency room patient. We passionately advocated for the family and was able to obtain a recovery in the range of $1,250,000.00.

Medical Malpractice
$6.3+ Million

Medical Malpractice - Physician Errors

This was a complex Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawsuit filed against various doctors and the medical practice itself, alleging negligence. Plaintiff was eventually compensated in excess of $6,300,000.00.

Personal Injury
Medical Malpractice
Flaherty | Fardo | Rogel | Amick

What Our Clients Say

"I cannot say enough good things about Mr. Fardo and his handling of my legal issues. He is in constant contact letting me know of any new developments. His professionalism and tireless preparation have made a difficult time much smoother to deal with. When you truly feel as if your attorney has your best interest at heart, it becomes very easy to step back and allow them to do their job. From very early on in my meetings with Mr. Fardo, he had my complete trust. He is trustworthy, has a great command of the law and is short, everything I had hoped for when I chose my lawyer."

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Flaherty | Fardo | Rogel | Amick

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Thank you for your submission. We try to respond promptly, often within hours. If you need immediate assistance, you can try texting 412.855.5511. Be in touch shortly.

Thank you,
‍Noah Paul Fardo
Managing Partner
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